Our First Blog Post
- Posted on 1st December 2015
- in Brightview's Blog
- by admin
Hi this is Mike Goeller.
This is our first blog post. We’ve been intending to add one to the site for a while, but then got busy (real busy) serving customers and dealing with the unexpected things of life.
So It’s December first (2015) and Austria and I find ourselves sitting at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus
Ohio as our Son recovers from open heart surgery. This is our Son’s fourth surgical operation. You see last January our Son was diagnosed, at 32 weeks prenatal, with a Critical Aortic Stenosis leading to Hypo-plastic Left Heart
Syndrome (HLHS). He fully progressed to have HLHS, and had his first open heart operation at 3 days old.
Oh and did I mention that we sold our condo as he was being born, then moved in with Austria’s parents while we looked for a home large enough to fit us all? We found a new

Laith with Grams pre-op
home, it’s a fixer upper, but the neighborhood is right. So when we get back we should be moving into our new home (and the renovations will continue).
Being a small Mom and Pop operation this has really limited what we could do this year. Through the spring season we were in the hospital for a little over 2 months. Brightview Cleaning was receiving about 50 calls a day and it was impossible to keep up. We tried to call everyone back, but with spotty internet at the hospital
and doctors and nurses coming in every 20 minutes it was near impossible.
Steve Araya our lead guy did an amazing job holding down the fort through the spring. In September Steve and his
wife Lauren got some amazing news. They had set the goal of doing missionary work. They
were accepted in to the School for Kingdom Evangelizers and attended for the last 2 months, and have been assigned to a different area of the country.
I’m glad that we were able to help contribute, all be it a in a small way to Steve and Lauren reaching their goals. We wish them the best in their in the new assignment. Steve will be

Out front our new home
sorely missed at Brightview Cleaning.
So we are regrouping this winter to come out rocking in the spring. If you have tried to contact us for service and we have been slow to respond we sincerely apologize. We are working to fix this, and should be on top of our game again by the start of the spring season. We appreciate your understanding, and we truly appreciate your business.
We are wishing you and your family’s well in the year to come.
Mike Goeller
PS- If you would like to follow our Son’s story and journey dealing with HLHS you can do so here: www.facebook.com/littlelionlaith
Tags: Blog, Brightview Cleaning, Heart Warrior, HLHS, power washing, roof cleaning